Epic Trust’s new tax services deliver year-round support
This summer has found Epic Trust’s tax team reflecting on this past tax season and developing new ways to better serve client needs in 2024.
This summer has found Epic Trust’s tax team reflecting on this past tax season and developing new ways to better serve client needs in 2024.
If you had your taxes done at Epic Trust this year, you might have seen a new face around the Richland office, that of Tsveti
Avoid passing on the ticking time bomb of taxes on qualified accounts to heirs
Tips for building a foundation key to goalsetting success
Coterie Insurance Agency of Cincinnati, Ohio recently ranked Tyson Reil, Chief Marketing Officer and President of Insurance at Epic Trust among its top 5 agents for 2022.
We caught up with staff accountant, Taiya Anderson, to find out her year-end checklist for businesses, perfected over her 30 years managing books. 1.
Wendy Schell, one of Epic Trust’s insurance advisors, will be retiring at the end of this month with over 40 years under her belt in
NOTICE AND DISCLOSURES: Guardian Financial Group is a dba for RnB & Associates LLC. All client tax compliance work, including the preparing and filing of government tax forms, will be completed and submitted through the RnB & Associates LLC subsidiary Epic Tax Solutions, LLC. Investment advisory services are provided through Wealth Management Nebraska, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Insurance products are offered by the RnB & Associates LLC subsidiary Epic Insurance Solutions LLC, and guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability to the issuing company and are not guarantees offered by RnB & Associates LLC or its affiliated companies.